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Understanding DSAR: How This Tool Accelerates Your Compliance

With growing awareness of data subject rights, compliance with data laws such as the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) in Brazil is becoming increasingly relevant. These laws reinforce what data subjects can do to verify the legitimacy of data processing processes.

What is DSAR?

DSAR (Data Subject Access Request) is a term db to data to data protection. It represents a right granted to individuals to have access to their information and to understand how that information is being treate.

The DSAR ensures that an individual can request access to the information that a controlling organization holds about them, as well as understand how that data is processed.

For citizens of the European Union, this right is one of the main aspects of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Should companies always be available to fulfill these requests?

Yes, according to the LGPD, the data provides basic seo analysis features can make a request at any time. Therefore, Brazilian citizens have this right, which controlling organizations must comply with to allow them to verify the legality of the processing of their data.

Once requested, companies have up to 15 days to respond, counting from the date of the holder’s request, as stipulated in Art.19 of the LGPD.

The request can be in a simplified manner or through a clear and complete declaration. Indicating the origin of the data, the non-existence of a record. The criteria and the purpose of the processing.

What are the rights of data subjects protecte by the LGPD?

Article 18 of the LGPD details the rights of data subjects, which include:

I – confirmation of the bgb directory of processing. II – access to data; III – correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data.  IV – anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary. Excessive data or data processed in non-compliance with the law. Portability of data to another service or product provider, upon express request; VI

– deletion of personal data processed with the consent of the holder. Except in the cases provided for in Art.16 of the LGPD. Information from public and private entities with which the controller data. Information on the possibility of not providing consent and on the consequences of refusal.

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