The quality of the site and its profitability

These factors include: product information Information about the company reviews product ratings order form prices “buy” button information about delivery and other elements. directly depend on the presence and convenience of elements that The quality of the site and its profitability help users perform the target action. In addition, they affect the ranking of the site by search engines. A simple example: a user enters the query “buy a smartphone in Moscow” into a search engine.

Opens an online store specializing in

The sale of equipment and electronics. For Special Data about 20-30 seconds, tries to find a smartphone of a certain brand for a specific price. Cannot do this and leaves the site. As a result, search engines receive a signal that users cannot buy a product in the online store. The site is demoted in the search results. In another situation, the user opens an online store in which all elements are worked out.

He quickly goes to the catalog using

Filters finds smartphones of the desired company QA Numbers in a certain price category. Selects and orders a smartphone. In this case, search engines receive information that users can easily order equipment and electronics on the site. This is a positive result for promotion. To improve user experience and promotion results, an SEO specialist works through the commercial factors of the site. Filters for sorting products. This is a mandatory element for online stores.

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