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marketing on the Internet – also known

marketing on the Internet – also known What is guerrilla marketing? It is hidden advertising that unobtrusively offers you a product. The author of guerrilla marketing, Jay Levinson, believed that this method of advertising should be non-standard and cheap. Successful guerrilla marketing on the Internet is possible without significant financial costs. But fresh and unusual ideas are a must.

Is creative thinking your strong point? country email list  Then you can conduct guerrilla marketing on the Internet yourself, without outside professional help. If you are not confident in your abilities, contact the specialists. In this article, we will talk about hidden advertising on the Internet and all its possible manifestations.

What’s Good About Guerrilla marketing on the Internet – also known 

Every day new companies enter the market that want to either scale up their activities by starting to work not only offline but also online, or are focused exclusively on Internet activities. This trend leads to increased competition on the Internet. As a result, the profitable purchase of high-quality leads becomes seriously complicated. And given the presence of large brands on the market with multi-million dollar budgets and extensive capabilities, attracting customers through some channels becomes at least ineffective.

And even the development of an origina the last few days have been busy l banner with a first-class selling text does not guarantee the desired effect and big sales. Why? It’s all about the so-called “banner blindness”.

Banner blindness is a phenomenon

when an Internet user consciously or unconsciously ignores a banner or what is written on it.

Don’t think that we mentioned banner blindness to turn you away from email marketing. Good advertising has sold, sells, and will sell. The main difficulty is that testing marketing campaigns, developing new advertising tools, and fighting competitors requires serious financial investments and time. And small and medium-sized businesses may not have these resources in sufficient quantities.

That is, we are potentially faced with two

main difficulties: money and quick results. Is calling List  there an effective way of promotion that requires little financial investment and time? Yes, guerrilla  as guerilla marketing in English-language sources.

Guerrilla marketing on the Internet is

a low-cost advertising method that ensures effective promotion of a product or service, attracting new customers and increasing profits. At the same time, you as a seller, conducting guerrilla marketing on the Internet, invest almost no money in it.

The term of the same name was first used in his book “

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