developer of virtual telephony applications Do you know the famous proverb: don’t have a hundred rubles, have a hundred friends? American Grasshopper has increased the number of its audience with a very unconventional approach.
Grasshopper compiled a list of 5,000 of the
most influential American businessmen and sent each of them a bag of chocolate-covered grasshoppers along with a cover letter. The job function email list bag read: “You’ve made your dreams come true. What else haven’t you tried? Like chocolate-covered grasshoppers. They’re farm-raised and high in protein. Not only is it original, it’s also very healthy.”
The sender included a link to a website with a motivational video in the letter. The entrepreneurs liked the original gift. They told the news to their subscribers, whose number exceeded 875 thousand people. In just one day, the video on the website was viewed by eight thousand users.
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An original example of effective viral advertising is the famous video clip filmed as part of the Dove marketing campaign “For Natural Beauty”. The video was created by the Ogilvy & Mather agency (760 thousand views on YouTube alone and about 30 million views across the Internet).
Rosgosstrakh advertising
A series of videos called “Car Body Art” appeared on entertainment sites under the guise of interesting videos that brought together artists and “car activists.” The result was an animated body art on the theme of a traffic accident.
Traffic accidents and other situations on the road were depicted in a very original way – in the form of a drawing on a woman’s chest – and animated with hands and jumping. The videos became popular due to the originality and freshness of the picture. In addition, there are few men who will not watch such an interesting video to the end, where they send him to the official website of Rosgosstrakh.
- Advertisement of the website “Gazon-Avangard”
In 2004, the website of the company “Gazon-Avangard” became very popular on the Russian Internet. When the first advertising week was coming to an end, the web resource became incredibly visited. The meaning of the hidden advertising was that on the top logo of the site two figures approached each other, after which the signature “Gazon-Avangard” appeared.
After clicking the mouse on the figure of a man with a sickle five times, the most exciting part began – the sickle cut the second man into two parts. The insert became so popular that it spread among the active Internet audience in a few hours.
The use of a new and non-standard method of guerrilla marketing on the Internet gave good results. The resource became very visited in a short time. The number of visitors was over 35 thousand users daily (for comparison: when there was no hidden advertising on the site, several dozen people visited it).
The company owner then noted that the Gazon-Avangard website was promoted with two goals in mind:
- Not to increase website traffic, but to increase the search engine ranking.
- Quickly attract a narrowly targeted audience that is interested in Gazon-Avangard directly. Despite the fact that the insertion brought users with a low percentage of target visitors to the site, its volume helped to significantly increase sales.
- Fireplace Center
An unusual example of hidden advertising. The company added a viral element to its website in the form of a flash animation, the code name of which was “Bloody showdown after an accident.” It could be viewed after performing a series of actions in a certain sequence: first, click “how to get there” in the bottom left corner of the diagram, then “how to get there,” view the animation, and then click on the inscription “Fireplace Center.”
After that, the user saw an animated calculate the best time video in which the “brothers” sorted things out using tanks and planes. The beginning was a collision between two cars.
In 2008, Ben&Jerry’s (in the year of FreeConeDay’s 30th anniversary) launched a very effective and easy-to-implement viral advertising campaign. The idea of the guerrilla marketing technique was that Ben&Jerry’s organized a promotion on Facebook. Each user had the opportunity to treat friends to virtual ice cream. In the first hours alone, the number of participants was 500 thousand. Over the entire period, several million Facebook users took part in it.
What It Takes to Implement Successful Online Guerrilla Marketing
Work on creating a creative atmosphere in the calling List team. But you will achieve better results if all employees feel part of a common cause. This is the only way to add creativity to their usual work.
To successfully solve the task, it is necessary to form and continuously maintain the right corporate spirit in the company. Corporate culture is based on many parameters: individual abilities of managers and ordinary team members, corporate myths and legends, etc.
In a creative atmosphere, original ideas and marketing approaches are always born. Try to make your employees more productive and motivated by developing their creative abilities.
What does a true “guerrilla” need to achieve good results?
- Creativity. When everyone is thinking about how to conduct an effective advertising campaign, you should imagine an improved and more original version of its implementation, while thinking about how to save money.
- Experience and knowledge. You can write one three-word headline that will bring you an Open Rate of 146%. But before that, you will spend many years to understand at the right moment that these three words will bring the desired immediate effect.
- The ability to deviate from the tried and tested paths. Sometimes you need to do something that no one has done before, take a risk