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Make a small home studio for photo sessions

And also choose social media templates and other ideas for visuals. Since most SMM specialists are hired to manage an Instagram page, when quarantine is introduced. The most questions are about how to create visuals. But our tips are also quite suitable for working with other social networks.

We offer the following options

Search through your archives for old but high-quality product photos that can be integrated into your current feed. The more diverse photos with different angles and backgrounds. The better.
Set up a home photo studio
Set up a home photo studio. For this you will need email data some drawing paper, a stand, a lamp. A phone or a camera with a good camera. And the products you need to shoot. Try shooting at different times of the day: at dawn, at lunchtime, at sunset.
Organize a photo shoot via Facetime. This idea is suitable if your main model is a person and you need to create a visual from personal photos. Be sure to discuss all the details beforehand: image, accessories, time of the photo shoot. what poses will be needed.
Create social media templates. No, this is not an outdated method. It is great if the photos found in the archives look great separately, but not so much together. Templates will help to combine them into one style and make a cool visual.
Create social media templates
3. The first contact with the client is a phone call, the rest are via messengers
Why is there such a rule? Because calls often take up a lot of time, and not always productively. Therefore, it is better to devote time to personal communication at the beginning of cooperation to get a feel for each other, and then communicate in some messenger. If it is so difficult, hold calls once every 2 weeks to discuss the results of the work and plan the next steps.

A few more important rules of communication

If the client doesn’t mind, record your don’t forget about the location conversation. This is easy to do if you’re communicating via Zoom. This way, you can listen to the conversation at any time so you don’t miss anything important.
>The first contact with the client is to call
Write down the main ideas in a notebook, text editor, or as a message in a messenger. After the conversation is over, review the notes, add your comments, and forward the ideas discussed to the client for approval.
Before doing anything, consult with the client or just warn him about it. For example, that there is no visual yet and no way to create it. And you would like to use ready-made or personally developed social network templates.
>Also, if it is important for the client to track your actions (especially at the beginning of cooperation), use a board in Trello or a table in Google Sheets together. You still need to record your tasks somewhere, and this way the client will also see what you plan to do and whether there is any point in calling this week (if everything in your plan suits country list him, then there may not be any point).

4. Develop a content plan for no more than a week

Today, many things change too quickly – literally every couple of hours. While this is not a problem for some projects, for projects such as a page for a legal company or lawyer, coach, or psychologist, these changes are important. Be sure to plan your content (especially text) so that there is room for the situation.

This rule is also important for visuals. Let’s say your templates with text on photos are relevant today, but not tomorrow. During the quarantine, avoid placing captions on pictures that are designed for events here and now. Most likely, in a month, some of them will be irrelevant, and you can’t delete the visual.

This is also important for developing advertising creatives and layouts. Be prepared to test a large number, constantly change social media templates, texts to find an effective layout. For example, now it is relevant to link the client’s business and quarantine measures in appeals to the audience.

5. Make yourself a checklist of routine tasks

Psychologists say that it is important to do some routine tasks every day in isolation. Plus, in this mode there is always a lot of household chores and there are many temptations, such as the release of a new series. It is necessary to maintain your productivity and write yourself a list of tasks that need to be done daily. For example:

reply to comments;
reply via direct or messenger;
publish X stories;
publish X posts;
write X posts, make X social media templates;
prepare X stories;
analyze the actions of competitors, etc.
Make similar lists for a week, 2 weeks, a month. This is useful not only during the quarantine period, but is also important for optimizing processes in the future. Update and adjust your checklists if necessary.

6. Start and finish work at the same time.

It is important for the brain to have some kind of routine and stability. This will allow you not to be at work 24/7 and have a normal psychological state, without worrying about not having any rest.

What time exactly this will be depends on your relationship and rules of work with the client, personal productive hours. If possible, make it so that it is from 10:00 to 19:00 or from 9:00 to 18:00, so that there is an opportunity to rest in the evening.

If you find it so inconvenient, try working for 3 hours, then resting for 2 hours, then another 3-4 hours of work and the rest of the time devoted to self-development or rest. To find your ideal option, we recommend experimenting.

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