Nurses’ Day is celebrated annually on May 12. And when we talk about healthcare, we talk about personal data. As a result, institutions and professionals must comply with the LGPD.
To contextualize, the objective of the General Data Protection Law is to guarantee privacy and, as the name suggests, protect the personal data of individuals located in Brazil.
What data can the nurse request?
In addition to identifying information, such as the patient’s name, contact details (email or telephone), address, date of birth, nurses overseas data request information that helps in conducting the consultation to speed up some processes.
In general, healthcare professionals have the right to request information such as health history, medications previously taken, blood type and family history of illnesses, as long as all of this is necessary. For example, if the data subject’s life is at risk, access to the information is essential.
Health information is considere sensitive data
Please note that all of the information technical optimization: the details determine success or failure is part of so-called sensitive data. In other words, data relating to health or sexual life and genetics are considere sensitive.
In other words, this information reveals people’s private and intimate characteristics. Furthermore, when in the wrong hands, it can be used unfairly as ammunition to discriminate against data subjects. This is why information such as sexual orientation, religious beliefs and political opinions fall into this group.
Understanding the role of the healthcare institution in protecting personal data
In a digitalize world, a lot of bgb directory about patients is and found on the platforms of the institutions where the attendants work. Knowing this, we have another figure in the story — who does not dispense with the individual care of each professional.